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About us

 Igneza WATEBA / our CEO and Founder

At Woreber, we believe that clothing isn't just about style—it's about self-expression, confidence, and empowerment. Founded with a vision to redefine fashion norms, we strive to offer trendy and sustainable apparel that reflects the unique essence of every individual.

Our Mission: To inspire authenticity and creativity through fashion, while prioritizing sustainability and inclusivity.

Our Vision: To become a global leader in fashion innovation, setting new standards for ethical practices and customer satisfaction.

Founder Biography:

Igneza Driven by a passion for fashion and a desire to make a positive impact, Igneza founded Woreber with a clear vision in mind. With his background in Business Manegement, Igneza brings a wealth of knowledge and creativity to the table.

Igneza's journey in the fashion industry has been marked by a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. He firmly believes in the power of fashion to drive social change and is dedicated to making Woreber a symbol of conscious consumerism.

Inspired by the power of beleif, Igneza has imbued Woreber with a sense of purpose and identity that resonates with customers worldwide. His leadership and dedication continue to steer the brand towards greater heights, ensuring that Woreber remains at the forefront of fashion innovation and sustainability.

Together, with our community of like-minded individuals, we're reshaping the future of fashion—one stylish, sustainable choice at a time. Join us in our journey towards a more inclusive, ethical, and fashionable world.

Stay Stylish. Stay Sustainable. Stay Woreber.

Our store

123 Fake St.
Toronto, Canada

Mon - Fri, 10am - 9pm
Saturday, 11am - 9pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm